History …

The Projection Center of the Marathon run was founded where the first school of Marathon was located. This First Public school was built around 1908-10 by donation of the national benefactor Andreas Syggros.The building expanded in 1930-32 while between the years 1960-65 it was completed in its current form.

In 2004 with an initiative by the responsible organization for the conduct of the Olympic Games of Athens “ATHENS 2004”, the municipal authority of Marathon-Mayor- Chr. Barbas – decided to grant access and use of the building, which was renovated, courtesy of Alpha Bank.

Since 2004, the Marathon Route Promotion Center accommodates the exhibition “OLYMPIC MARATHONS”, donated by the Olympic Museum of Lausanne to the Municipality of Marathon. The exhibition is consisted by texts and photographs about the history of the Olympic Marathons, Intermational Marathons,Women’s Marathon etc. Since 2007 the Projection Center of the Marathon run is transformed into an Athletic Museum that accommodates exhibits from great Greeks and foreign Marathon runners constantly enriching its collection.

More than 4,000 exhibits document the history of the Marathon Race from 1896 to the present day. A unique sports collection that could not be found anywhere else but in the birthplace of the Marathon Run. The exhibition is divided into two major sections. The first building hosts, through a collection of rare objects, a journey through the history of Olympic Marathons, while the second records the global Marathon race movement, through thematic sections dedicated to marathons held in every corner of the planet, Olympic champions, the appearance of women in the marathon, and even the equipment of marathon runners.

Our Museum houses the medal of the legendary winner of the Marathon race in 1896 at the first modern Olympiad in Athens, Spyros Louis, a copy of the cup awarded to him at Kallimarmaro and his personal belongings. Also on display are medals, sports and personal items of the first winner of the Marathon race of the classic route (10 March 1896), Charilaos Vassilakos, as well as the medals, cups, medals and numerous relics of Stelios Kyriakidis, winner of the International Marathon of Boston in 1946. The Museum also exhibits relics from the life and activity of the Menber of Parliament, Balkan champion and peacemaker Gregory Lambrakis, the most important of which is the flag with the peace emblem from the 1963 peace march. It also hosts collections of great Greek marathon runners, as well as foreign Olympic and Marathon Road Champions.
